Peace and Joy to You.
For you, dear reader, I wish you good will during these holidays. To my Christian friends, Merry Christmas. May you remember all that is good about the baby Jesus and the promise of salvation that would come from Him. To my Jewish friends, enjoy the Festival of Lights and all the good that it brings.
I wish peace for you, dear reader. Peace is not just the absence of conflict, but the existence of all that is right for each one of us. Enjoy your family and friends as you celebrate in the coming days. Reflect fondly on all the good that took place this year and all the promise that lies ahead for 2007.

... so who's the random chick?
Oh, and
Pax, pax
to you,
as well.
Anonymous, at 9:09 PM, December 22, 2006
Alas, 'tis the paradox of journaling! When there's nothing to say, the empty page just screams to be filled and when there's lots going on to write about . . . there's no time.
Anyway, hope your holidays were unhectic and fun and gave you both time to breathe before the big wedding rush (which you don't plan to have but will probably happen anyway).
Anonymous, at 2:07 PM, January 04, 2007
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