An Open Letter from Katherine Tiona
Dear Friends,
Through the miracle of modern technology -- in this case Blogger -- Daddy said he'd pass along this note and a few pictures from me.
I'm doing pretty well and spend a lot of time under the warmer in the nursery. Sometimes the mean nurse lady tries to wake me up so I can "feed" or something, but I'm usually SO TIRED! They get me awake long enough to eat some, but then I just drift back to sleep again. That's okay, though, 'cause I'm getting a little better at feeding every time I try it.
Mommy will be officially released from the hospital on something called "Thursday," but will be "board" staying in the same room while I stick around here and get stronger.
The mean nurse lady says that I have to do that feeding thing really well, stay warm on my own, and keep a lot of sugar in me -- though I don't think that means I can eat candy bars all the time -- before I can go home. I'll work on that, because I'd much prefer to snuggle with Mommy and Daddy at home than lie in this warmer most of the time. They won't even let me go to Mommy's room to hang out and watch cable TV. Nuts!
I need to mention this brown-haired boy who's my new big brother. He's cool! He and I had a little chat the morning after I was born (see the attached picture). Well, he did most of the talking, but I like hearing his voice. Here's the best part: He gave me this really cute white teddy bear with pink dots all over it as a present for me being born. Isn't that sweet?! The bear sits in my warmer with me and keeps me company.
So that's it for now. Check out the pictures of Daddy holding me at about 15 hours old. I liked having him hold me. I just looked around and stuck my tongue out at him sometimes. :-) Anyway, Mommy and Daddy love me so much. It's awesome!
Well, bye for now,

Through the miracle of modern technology -- in this case Blogger -- Daddy said he'd pass along this note and a few pictures from me.
I'm doing pretty well and spend a lot of time under the warmer in the nursery. Sometimes the mean nurse lady tries to wake me up so I can "feed" or something, but I'm usually SO TIRED! They get me awake long enough to eat some, but then I just drift back to sleep again. That's okay, though, 'cause I'm getting a little better at feeding every time I try it.
Mommy will be officially released from the hospital on something called "Thursday," but will be "board" staying in the same room while I stick around here and get stronger.
The mean nurse lady says that I have to do that feeding thing really well, stay warm on my own, and keep a lot of sugar in me -- though I don't think that means I can eat candy bars all the time -- before I can go home. I'll work on that, because I'd much prefer to snuggle with Mommy and Daddy at home than lie in this warmer most of the time. They won't even let me go to Mommy's room to hang out and watch cable TV. Nuts!
I need to mention this brown-haired boy who's my new big brother. He's cool! He and I had a little chat the morning after I was born (see the attached picture). Well, he did most of the talking, but I like hearing his voice. Here's the best part: He gave me this really cute white teddy bear with pink dots all over it as a present for me being born. Isn't that sweet?! The bear sits in my warmer with me and keeps me company.
So that's it for now. Check out the pictures of Daddy holding me at about 15 hours old. I liked having him hold me. I just looked around and stuck my tongue out at him sometimes. :-) Anyway, Mommy and Daddy love me so much. It's awesome!
Well, bye for now,

She is beautiful...she really is cute. Most new baby's look like old grumpy men..but she is gorgeous.
Anonymous, at 10:57 PM, October 24, 2007
What a beautiful baby! I'm so happy for you and your family. Hope you'll get to cuddle her at home soon!
Beth Comer, at 5:42 PM, October 25, 2007
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