And Stuff Like That: Reloaded

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Carnivals, Courtship, and Contract Disputes.

The stress previously mentioned in my blog has died down quite a bit, but I've stayed pretty busy. Some of that busyness has been doing fun things. This weekend I played poker Friday evening and then on Saturday Glenda, her son, and I went to the Missouri State Fair. Cute story about that:

Benjamin, 5, had been asking throughout the day to go to the carnival. We consistently told him that we weren't going to go there because we didn't trust the safety of the rides. After he asked that one too many times, I told him that he really needed to stop asking. He replied, "Um...if I stop asking can we maybe go to the carnival then?" I couldn't help but chuckle, but the answer was still no.

Glenda and I have decided to get on the fast track to determine if we're compatible enough for marriage. Her number one interest is obviously her son, and if things aren't going to work out between her and me then, for his sake, she doesn't want things dragged out. I completely appreciate that. So what we've begun doing is tackling those hot topics that could be "deal breakers" down the line if we can't come to a consensus on them. After all, if a relationship between us isn't going to work out, it's better to find out sooner than later, right? So far, of the few big issues we've talked about, we've been pretty compatible. Still a bunch to go, though.

In other news we have another meeting with AVI today about our routing switcher. Fun stuff. Not. More details later.


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