And Stuff Like That: Reloaded

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

What a Difference a Year Makes.

As a new year gets started, I wanted to do my typical look back and look forward. It's interesting to think back about how much changed in the course of a year. Let's reminisce:
" would be safe to say -- and this is the first time I've ever said this to anyone -- that I don't like myself very much lately. In 2005, I honestly believe that I had no impact on society other than being a small oxygen-sucking carbon dioxide factory. I have all these aspirations for myself, and I just feel the last year or two has been a consistent period of laziness and apathy toward everything my heart really wants for me." -- My blog entry on Dec. 26, 2005
I was in a rough spot then. Not a whole lot was looking up for me, however I had a sense of what it would take to turn my life around:
"I think it's going to take a combination of friends, family, church, and maybe professional help to turn this boat around. Sure, there are good days. I put on a convincing demeanor most of the time, but deep down inside I'm not the same as I was a couple of years ago. It's very disconcerting."
It took a while for 2006 to show some promise, and when it did, boy was it big! I was still down a lot in the first half of the year. Romance -- or lack thereof -- was hitting me hard. Just when I thought I should give up hope of ever finding the love of my life, along came an old friend named Glenda.

In one fell swoop I got a new friend, a new family, a renewed dedication to church, and I didn't need any professional help! To make a long story short, Glenda and I fell in love and I fell in love with her son Benjamin. I saw hope for the future. I saw a reason to wake up. I found a dedication I hadn't had before. I was given someone who loves me for who I am and fits me to a "T".

In 2007 Glenda and I will marry and I will adopt Benjamin as my own son. My life will change dramatically from where it was only one year earlier...but I welcome it! There's so much to look forward to! Glenda and I can see a wonderful future together as husband and wife, father and mother.

I very well may get a new job this year, too. I've been with my current job for more than four years now and I'm ready to try something else. I want to get a job that gives me more opportunities for advancement, better pay, but most importantly challenges me and makes me want to get up in the morning. We'll see what happens.

I look forward to 2007. There's so much to look forward to. One year ago I wouldn't have been able to say that. God has truly blessed my life. May he also bless yours this year.



  • WOW! You are the love of my life, and YOU have given ME so much joy and hope this year. I am really glad that things have gotten better and that you feel like you have a reason to continue getting up in the morning. Benjamin and I love you very much, and I am excited about the future too!

    Yours forever,

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:05 PM, January 11, 2007  

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