And Stuff Like That: Reloaded

Monday, May 15, 2006

A Good Weekend.

This was a simple, good weekend with good food, good mothers, and good times.

Friday evening was a relaxing time at home, eating Papa John's and catching up on some of my favorite shows that were previously recorded on my DVR.

Saturday, I went out and about for a while. I shopped for Mother's Day stuff for my mom, sister, and sister in-law. Along the way I bought myself a pair of brown Crocs. They're just so darned comfortable, I needed a pair that would match clothing. After I returned home, I had another nice phone call with my good friend Erica. That's always a pleasure. To wrap up the day, I went and played poker with the guys for the first time in a month and a half. I lost $2, but it was still enjoyable. I'm not sure why I like playing poker there so much, but I just always look forward to doing it again.

Sunday was Mother's Day. After doing sound at my sister Marcie's church, we all went over to her house for a VERY tasty lunch and family time. When I say "tasty," I mean grilled chicken and pinapples, grilled salmon, asparagus, green beans, rice, and a strawberry cheesecake dessert.

So now it's back to the daily grind. Lots to do at work as we get closer to tearing our studio apart and putting it all back together with new equipment and a vision for the future. Exciting stuff.


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