And Stuff Like That: Reloaded

Thursday, March 22, 2007

What Do You Call a Male Ballerina? Gay.

At work we've got a satellite feed of Classic Arts Showcase, a 24-hour service that shows different performances of the arts. Every once and a while they show a ballet routine. A lot of those routines have tights...leaping.

I'm sorry but male ballerinas -- or whatever they're called -- are just wrong. While I could see a woman doing pretty much anything a man can do, including construction or firefighting, the same doesn't apply for guys. Men should not prance about like that. It's just weird.

So saith me. :-)

p.s. Then again, maybe some guys get into it just to be around hot, skinny women all the time. :-\


  • Oh, good Lord, Michael...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:54 PM, March 24, 2007  

  • Inciteful comment. Thanks.

    By Blogger Michael Buttgen - The "Barefoot Voice", at 9:24 PM, March 24, 2007  

  • It's all in the inflection, really.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:29 PM, March 24, 2007  

  • You are grotesquely ignorant of the history of European arts. Ballet was invented during Louis 14th era and was originally all men for the first couple of centuries, then women were added, wore long skirts, but over the decades and centuries the skirts got shorter and shorter because the theater was a place for patrons to pick out dancer prostitutes to have sex with after the shows, thus ballet started getting sexier in its moves. There was no name added to designate the female ballet dancers, so they are simply called the same thing the men are. The term 'ballerina' is the English version of whatever the French word is for 'ballet dancer' which like I just said, meant only men, not women in its early centuries. Go read some history before you make foolish judgments that reveal your ignorance.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:33 PM, April 03, 2007  

  • Interesting information. I had no idea that that's how ballet started.

    They're still gay, though. :-p

    By Blogger Michael Buttgen - The "Barefoot Voice", at 9:07 PM, April 03, 2007  

  • history, blah blah...I think being gay is actually a requirement to be a male ballerina!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:25 AM, April 06, 2007  

  • How anyone can connect homosexuality with men who dance, and especially men who dance ballet--the most difficult physical activity through which humans can put their bodies--is beyond any measure of common sense or logic. Men who are too afraid to do something for fear of appearing "gay", are weak. A man is not really a man if he cowers at the thought of what others will think of him.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:23 AM, September 10, 2008  

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