Childhood1. What’s the earliest toy that you remember playing with? Hot Wheels and Matchbox cars
2. Did you sleep with anything special? Not that I recall.
3. What’s a strange commercial from your childhood? The classic "Where's the Beef?" Wendy's commercials.
4. What was your first favorite song as a little kid? "Jesus Loves the Little Children"
5. What was your favorite food? Kraft Mac and Cheese
6. What did your mom feed you most of the time? An all natural peanut butter and honey sandwich EVERY DAY. She believes it kept me from getting sick.
7. When you were little, what was your dad’s job? Accountant for a school district
8. What was your mom’s job? She owned her own floral business.
9. During your 12 (or whatever) years of school, how many schools did you go to? 4: elementary, gifted program, junior high, high school.
10. Name of your first pet? Tawny
Random11. What did you have for breakfast today? Toasted english muffin with butter and strawberry "fruit spread"
12. What’s something about you that even your friends don’t know? I think it would be cool to be a dancer. Just not a male ballerina.
13. Why did you buy the brand of shampoo you’re using right now? My hair stylist recommended it.
14. What would be the perfect kind of place for you to live (city, beach, the mountains, etc.)? On the shore of a large lake somewhere in the south in a not-so-big town.
15. How many colleges have you attended? Only one.
16. What is/was your favorite subject(s)? Ethics and Philosophy were pretty cool.
17. What was your first job? Working at a mall toy store.
18. Neat freak or slob? More slob than neat freak -- but I know where everything is!
19. Baths or showers? Showers
20. Sweet or salty snacks? Depends on my mood, but I like both.
21. What’s your bedtime “routine”? Change into PJs, brush teeth, go pee, wash hands, put on hand lotion, plug in cell phone and set alarms, take multivitamin, put on chap stick, turn off light, get in bed, kiss wife goodnight, sleep.
22. Have you met any of your neighbors? Some of them
23. What do you collect? I don't try to, but I collect tons of paper things (bills, postits, kid's work, etc.) that really need to be better sorted or thrown away.
24. How easy would it be to part with your collection(s)? If I took the time it would be pretty easy to throw a lot of that stuff away.
Ever been . . .25. In a flood? No
26. In a fire? No
27. In a hurricane? No
28. In a tornado? No
29. In an earthquake? No
30. On a ship? Does a speedboat count?
31. On a plane? Yes
32. On a motorcycle? Yes
33. On skates? Yes
34. In a fire station? Yes
35. In an ambulance? Yes, but not as a patient.
36. In a real deli? No
37. In a subway/underground? Both subway and cave.
Just Your Opinion38. SUVs - Good for outdoorsy, off-road stuff. Most people don't need them.
39. Classical music - Relaxing, but I don't listen to it regularly.
40. Baseball - America's pastime! MLB players make way too much for how little work they actually do.
41. Snakes - Intriguing
42. Frozen pizza - Hard. Tastes better cooked.
43. Neckties - Snazzy and no longer uncomfortable since I have to wear one pretty regularly to work.
Favorites44. Candy? Hersheys Nuggets with Peanut Butter
45. Appliance? Toaster
46. Favorite beverage? Sweet Lipton sun tea.
47. Season? Spring
48. Video game? I won't list a specific one, but I'm partial to driving games.
49. Person? My wife Glenda.
50. Novel by Charles Dickens? A Christmas Carol