And Stuff Like That: Reloaded

Thursday, March 22, 2007

What Do You Call a Male Ballerina? Gay.

At work we've got a satellite feed of Classic Arts Showcase, a 24-hour service that shows different performances of the arts. Every once and a while they show a ballet routine. A lot of those routines have tights...leaping.

I'm sorry but male ballerinas -- or whatever they're called -- are just wrong. While I could see a woman doing pretty much anything a man can do, including construction or firefighting, the same doesn't apply for guys. Men should not prance about like that. It's just weird.

So saith me. :-)

p.s. Then again, maybe some guys get into it just to be around hot, skinny women all the time. :-\

Saturday, March 10, 2007

The First Week of the Rest of My Life.

Married life is grand! I have to say that I feel like I really fit well into being a married man. I love helping my wife out with things around the house (that she had to do before). I love hanging out with our son together and having all the fun that that entails. Without getting to long-winded, I'm enjoying married life so far.

See wedding pictures at our wedding blog, "For as Long as We Both Shall Live."

We're still working on getting things settled in our new apartment. It's a slow, but steady process. We'll have a telephone line set up the middle of this week and our DSL will be installed sometime before the 21st. Yikes! I'm typing this on a computer not in our apartment, obviously.

I really feel good about all this. It's amazing how far my life has come in less than a year. Almost exactly a year ago today I was moving out of my brother and sister-in-law's house because they were pregnant and needed my bedroom for a nursery. I was moving back into my parents house with a feeling of failure bubbling up inside of me. Life sucked a year ago.

But look at me now: Married with a little boy...and happy. :-)

Friday, March 02, 2007

Get Me To the Church on Time.

This is my final blog entry as a single guy. This evening I will marry Glenda Jean Dunlap in a small, simple ceremony while surrounded by family.

Single life was...interesting. I always knew that there was so much more to life by having a companion, but I'd never known what that meant before Glenda.

Though I didn't date around that much, I learned a lot from dating who I did. I wouldn't say that I learned a lot about what I want in a companion -- after all, I didn't know what I needed or wanted until I gave up what I thought I needed and wanted. Instead, I learned more about myself. I learned how to act in various different situations. I learned about my flaws, because a couple of times they were thrown back in my face as an excuse to break up.

Above all else, I learned to be patient and trust God's timing. That was REALLY difficult. If you go back and read my previous blog entries, you'll read a lot of impatient thoughts. You'll see a picture of a guy that thought he knew what's better for him than his creator does.

At this point, I need to give a shout out to my friend Seth. Man, you gave me the best advice that I could have possibly received, and it came at just the right time. A little less than a year ago, you and I sat in Denny's on 291 and talked about my romantic future. You told me that I need to give up this notion of knowing what I want for myself and just let life happen. You encouraged me to give the next lady a chance and to not be so quick to get out if it seems like things aren't "clicking." That invaluable advice saved me from giving up on Glenda. That sound advice helped me to finally let go of the intoxicating infatuation I had for someone else for so long. Thank you, Seth.

This is my final blog entry as a single guy.

Tonight I will become a married man.

I'm ready.